Which file types are supported?

Bytescale supports almost any file type on all paid plans.

However, there are some file types which cannot be used with Bytescale. This is to protect our service and users from potentially harmful files.

Rejected file types:

_exe, a6p, ac, acr, action, ade, adp, air, apk, app, applescript, application, appx, appxbundle, asp, awk, bas, bash, bat, cab, ccs, cgi, chm, class, cmd, cmp, com, command, cpl, crt, csh, deb, dek, dld, dll, dmg, docm, drv, ds, ebm, elf, emf, esh, exe, ezs, fky, frs, fxp, gadget, gpe, gpu, grp, hlp, hms, hta, htm, html, htx, icd, iim, inf, inf1, ins, inx, ipa, ipf, iso, isp, isu, jar, je, job, jse, jsp, jsx, jtd, kix, ksh, lib, lnk, mcr, mde, mel, mem, mpkg, mpx, mrc, ms, msc, msi, msix, msixbundle, msp, mst, mxe, nsh, obs, ocx, osax, osx, out, ovl, paf, pas, pcd, pex, php, php3, pif, pkg, pl, plsc, pm, prc, prg, prn, ps1, ps1xml, ps2, ps2xml, psc1, psc2, psd1, psm1, pvd, pwc, py, pyc, pyo, qpx, rb, rbx, reg, rgs, rox, rpj, rpm, run, sbs, scar, scf, scpt, scptd, scr, script, sct, seed, sh, shb, shd, shs, spr, sys, tcsh, tgz, thm, tlb, tms, u3p, udf, url, vb, vba, vbe, vbs, vbscript, vdl, vdo, vxd, wcm, widget, wmf, workflow, wpk, ws, wsc, wsf, wsh, wst, xap, xhtml, xpi, xqt, zlq, zsh

Free trial plans:

In addition to the above, free trial plans are limited to images, videos, and audio files only.

Paid plans:

Paid plans can upload any file type, except the rejected file types listed above.

Enterprise plans:

If you have an Enterprise Bytescale account and you need to host some of the file types listed above, please open a support ticket with us with more information about your requirements.

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